What Do We Do?

Samantha's Designs was founded in 2025 in Scotland, UK.

We are a design / printables company. We will be releasing numerous products gradually over our time but we have a huge range of Cash Stuffing / Savings to start off with so keep an eye out on our Facebook Group to see new products coming soon! There is loads to come so you do not want to miss out including toilet training charts, visual aids for neurodivergents, organising labels, personalised products like keyrings, mugs, ect. The products you will see are beautiful!!

We aim to provide the best products we can that are going to help your lives be better, more organised and less chaotic - trust me I know all about this as a neurodivergent myself with 5 children, home education to handle and more! I am always here to answer any questions, take product suggestions (which is we approve you will get a discount code on your order for) and more!

Thanks for shopping with Samantha's Designs and I hope you have an amazing day!

Samantha x